Saturday, January 22, 2011


Tonight in church Mark did something a little different; he had us write something unique about ourselves on a snowflake we cut out, along with something that can lead us to a meltdown. Being human, of course, there were lots of things we could think of in the negative category, but the positive... well, that's more difficult. What do I honestly think is good or unique about me? Not toot my own horn stuff, but genuine, honestly unique and good about me. Now that took some thinking.

After we finished this exercise, we shared in the circle what we had down for ourselves, and others were able to add what they saw in us to the uniqueness of who we are. It was a touching, powerful time. Strange isn't it that we seldom take the time to comment on the divine we see in those around us. The selfless actions, the kindness and otherly-minded attitudes those in our circle display daily. We may very well come away from an encounter having been the recipient of grace, mercy, wisdom or some other form of divinity, but our busy-ness, or our own chaos and turmoil, often prevents us from letting them know the gift that they are.

I would like to focus on verbalizing the good and unique qualities I see in those God brings into my circle.  Not in a cheesy, trite or forced way, but an honest, genuine appreciation for what and who they are.  Maybe I can make a shift and develp this as a life skill. Wouldn't that be lovely!

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