Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Come on in the water is great!

When I was a little child growing up in Arizona, my grandparents had an olympic size swimming pool in their backyard.  My brothers and I were the only grandkids at that time, so we were pretty loved on by our aunts, uncles and well, everyone.  Looking back, I am amazed at the time they took doting on us and playing with us, especially in the pool.  I remember, as I was learning to swim, I would stand on the lip of that massive pool, looking for someone to jump to.  As I stood there, I could barely contain all the excitement inside me, it would build and build until I felt I would just explode if I didn't get to jump in! Then, when I caught someone's eye, and I knew they were looking, well... ready or not, here I came!  I would jump without any reservation, no  holds barred, toward them.  I  was totally secure that those hands, that seemed so large to my little body, would capture me securely and laughter and joy was an absolute upon my rise to the surface.  One might say, I jumped with reckless abandon... into the safety of those grown up arms.

I was safe and I knew I was safe.  I was totally secure in the love my family had for me.  I knew I was precious and adored.  They had communicated that love in a hundred different ways.  I was secure in their love and care of me so I could risk everything.  The thought of danger or harm never entered my thoughts.

Chapter 8 in the book of Romans feels to me like the spiritual version of my swimming pool story. Seriously, how can you not like a chapter that starts with: "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus"... what follows is a whole chapter of good stuff.  The chapter ends with: "I am convinced that neither death, life, angels, rulers, things present, things to come, powers, height, depth, or anything else in all of creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Can I just say: Yeeehaaw!

That is some serious love. What would I do if I could really take that in.  Who would I be if I could really dig deep and live out an understanding of that chapter?  Would I be a Francis of Assisi?  Or maybe a Mother Theresa kind?  Hmm...  Maybe I would I be Richard Foster or Dallas Willard? (Two of my personal fav's)  Probably not.  It is intriguing to ponder who I would be if I could actualize the safety and love God expresses for me in Romans 8... with no thought of danger.  No risk of failing. *sigh*

Seriously, I truly would like to do a better job of internalizing chapter 8.  I would trust God more, love deeper and fear less.  Consequently, I think I would risk more and laugh easier.  Wouldn't that be AWESOME??!!! 
It occurs to me that if I could  translate the safety and security I had as I jumped into the safety of my families arms, well...hmm...

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